22, Jan 2024
Wyoming LLC Names: A Guide to Choosing and Registering


When it comes to forming a Limited Liability Company (LLC) in Wyoming,selecting the right name is a pivotal first step. Your choice of a Wyoming LLC name not only represents your brand but also holds significance in terms of legal and regulatory compliance. In this comprehensive guide,we will explore the intricacies of Wyoming LLC names,including the rules and regulations governing them,and the essential steps to successfully register your chosen name.

The Importance of a Good LLC Name 

Your LLC name is more than just a title; it’s your business’s identity. It’s the name your customers will come to recognize and trust. Here’s why choosing the right LLC name is essential:

Brand Identity 

Your LLC name is an integral part of your brand. It should reflect your business’s values,products,or services,and create a memorable impression on your target audience.

Legal and Regulatory Compliance 

Wyoming,like all states,has specific rules and regulations governing LLC names. Compliance with these rules is crucial to ensure your business is recognized and protected legally.

Rules and Regulations for Wyoming LLC Names 

Before settling on an LLC name for your Wyoming business,it’s essential to understand the rules and regulations that apply. Here are key considerations:

Name Availability 

Your LLC name must be unique and distinguishable from existing business entities registered in Wyoming. You can check name availability through the Wyoming Secretary of State’s website.

Limited Liability Company Indicators 

Your LLC name should include the words “Limited Liability Company” or abbreviations like “LLC” or “L.L.C.” This inclusion is mandatory to inform the public and stakeholders of your business’s limited liability status.

Restricted Words 

Certain words are restricted or prohibited in LLC names in Wyoming. For example,terms like “bank,” “trust,” and “insurance” require additional licensing and approvals.

Name Reservation 

If you have a specific name in mind but are not ready to register your LLC immediately,Wyoming allows you to reserve a name for up to 120 days.

Steps to Register Your Wyoming LLC Name 

Once you’ve chosen a compliant and available name for your Wyoming LLC,you’ll need to register it. Here’s how:

Conduct a Name Search 

Before officially registering your LLC name,it’s advisable to conduct a comprehensive name search to ensure it’s available and hasn’t been trademarked.

File Articles of Organization 

To register your LLC name,you’ll need to file Articles of Organization with the Wyoming Secretary of State. This document includes essential information about your LLC,including its name,address,and the name and address of the registered agent.

Name Reservation (Optional) 

If you want to secure your chosen name before filing the Articles of Organization,you can request a name reservation. This reserves your LLC name for up to 120 days.

Pay the Filing Fee 

Wyoming charges a filing fee for registering your LLC name and Articles of Organization. Ensure you pay the required fee to complete the registration process.

Designate a Registered Agent 

Your Wyoming LLC must have a registered agent with a physical address in Wyoming who can receive legal documents and official correspondence on behalf of your LLC.

Operating Agreement 

While not mandatory,it’s advisable to create an operating agreement for your LLC. This document outlines the management structure and operating procedures of your business.


Choosing and registering your Wyoming LLC name is a critical step in the business formation process. It’s essential to understand the rules and regulations governing LLC names in Wyoming to ensure compliance. By following the proper steps and guidelines,you can establish a strong brand identity and legal presence for your Wyoming LLC.